Christmas Day Stats:
Biggest UK parkruns: Bushy Park (2011), Norwich (1104), Poole (974), Cardiff (921), Edinburgh (867), Forest Rec (738), Southampton (732), Huddersfield (708), Coventry (660), Conkers (650), York (648), Delamere (644), Worcester (630), Bromley (624), Milton Keynes (615), Newcastle (609), Pollok (598), Chelmsford Central (564), Peterborough (563), Panshanger (556).
In the UK there were 27 new attendance records set: Bakewell (260), Barking (270), Bushy Park (2011), Canons Park (238), Chippenham (354), Clair (203), Concord (347), Conkers (650), Delamere (644), Dewsbury (223), Dinton Pastures (308), Edinburgh (867), Forest Rec (738), Hadleigh (265), Harrogate (524), Llyn Llech Owain (176), Lymington Woodside (217), Maidenhead (414), Northala Fields (438), Norwich (1104), Panshanger (556), Poole (974), Royal Tunbridge Wells (329), Street (226), Waterworks (425), Wilmslow (350), Worsley Woods (530),
In the UK there were 231 parkruns, 67122 parkrunners and 3088 volunteers (plus pending results).
Worldwide there were 420 parkruns, 91728 parkrunners and 4633 volunteers (plus pending results).