UK Attendance Stats and Worldwide Milestone Stats - 26th May 2018

Biggest parkruns: Bushy Park (1201), Heaton Park (824), Southampton (795), Cardiff (741), Poole (738), Huddersfield (708), Sheffield Hallam (681), Bromley (650), Chelmsford Central (644), Nonsuch (640).

Median parkrun: Kingsway (215).

Smallest parkruns: South Oxhey (41), Ruchill (40), Millom (40), Larne (39), Wayland (38), Bevendean Down (38), Windy Nook (36), Rostrevor (36), Drumchapel (30), Bressay (30).

New records / new parkruns: Wycombe Rye (552), Riverside (534), Birkenhead (481), Leicester Victoria (421), Woking (419), Conwy (376), Andover (375), Mole Valley (354), Penrith (302), Cleethorpes (261), Prospect (201), Melksham (185), Swaffham (142), Aberystwyth (141), New Earswick (124), Clitheroe Castle (108), Lower Drummans (46).

There were 510 parkruns, 22 cancellations, and the total UK 5K parkrun population was 123682 parkrunners and 10560 volunteers, plus pending results from five parkruns, including Cannon Hill.


Of the parkruns that took place both last week and this week:

219 parkruns had higher attendance than last week,

271 parkruns had lower attendance than last week,

Glossop, Evesham, Wilmslow, Gladstone, had precisely the same as last week,

The biggest increase in attendance (in terms of absolute numbers) was Heslington, with a change of 161,

The biggest increase in attendance (in terms of percentages) was Falls, with a change of 153%,

The biggest drop in attendance (in terms of absolute numbers) was Bromley, with a change of -216,

The biggest drop in attendance (in terms of percentages) was South Oxhey, with a change of -59%.


18,978 people got their parkrun barcode this week

12,425 people became parkrunners this week

9,745 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week

8,042 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week

135,870 of 2,694,682 (5.0%) of runners on fewer than 50 parkruns, ran this week


947 parkrunners joined the 50 club

32,860 of 92,237 (35.6%) of runners in the 50 club, ran this week


426 parkrunners joined the 100 club

24,538 of 46,194 (53.1%) of runners in the 100 club, ran this week


38 parkrunners joined the 250 club

2,046 of 2,823 (72.5%) of runners in the 250 club, ran this week


1 parkrunners joined the 500 club


18 of 20 (90.0%) of runners in the 500 club, ran this week


Congratulations to Phil COOK who volunteered for the 500th occasion!


Well done to the following hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Adrian JONES, Agata ŁADOŃSKA, Alan FORD, Alan LONGWORTH, Alan WILLIAMS, Albana BULKU, Aleksey POTREBCHUK, Alet DE VRIES, Alison DUNNING, Alistair MITCHELL, Andrea CHISHOLM, Andrea CLARKSON, Andrea FREEMAN, Andrea WILLIAMS, Andrew FINCH, Anita GUTTERIDGE, Annie WADE, Barbs BROWNE, Barney HENRY, Barry CARTMAN, Becky ROGERS, Ben HODGSON, Ben SKURKA, Ben THOMSETT, Bethan STURDY, Billy INGRAM, Carole DAVIS, Caroline MACDONALD, Cerys EVANS, Chris CARTER, Christopher AKEHURST, Claire PUGH-PATEL, Colette CHURCHILL, Collin PASS, Craig TAYLOR, Daniel MEEHAN, Danielle HUTCHINSON, D'arcy MCNALLY, David BARNETT, Dawn MCLEAN, Dawn SMEATH-THOMAS, Derek HANSON, Desire ARMANSIN, Dion COERTZEN, Elaine BATTSON, Elaine O'KEEFFE, Eliza DEARNALEY, Elizabeth CLARK, Elizabeth MC DAID, Ellie DAUDET, Emmerentia HUMAN, Eric ASHBY, Erica MARTIN, Fiona GILKS-DE'ARAUGO, Francois HEYNS, Fritz VILJOEN, Garry CORCORAN, Gary STEPHAN, Geoffrey HIRST, Gerry ROCK, Gillian CAIRNS, Glenn CHRISTENSEN, Gordon EWING, Gordon MATHERS, Graeme WUOLANNE, Heather FINNIGAN, Helen MORTON, Helen SPEIRS, Helena DI FRANCO, Hilary GAUNA, Holly SMITH, Holly STILLINGFLEET, Ian GIBSON, Irina HULANICKA, Ivy WILLIAMS, Jack MEER, Jackie HOLLYWELL, Jane BEWSEY, Jane KAMAU, Jane RALLS, Jane TAYLOR, Jane WOODS, Janet CHAPMAN, Jasper HENDERSON, Jaz TARRANT, Jenny GARTH, Jo COISH, Jo ORSER, Joanne BRUEN, Johan HUMAN, John HILTON, John HUSBAND, John MULVANEY, John O'GRADY, Jonathan RUSSELL, Jonathan WEBBER, Joshua HAWKHEAD, Julia BARNSHAW, Julie CARR, June BISHOP, Karl EDMENSON, Kate SUTTON, Kathy MILLER, Katrin HIGGINSON, Kayla HENNESSY, Keith CURWOOD, Keith HENESS, Kimberley REYNOLDS, Kristie TALBOT, Lee JONES, Leon John MULLER, Liana KING, Linda PLEDGER, Lindsey KINSMAN, Lisa HALLETT, Liz GILES, Liz MANSON, Lola JIMENEZ, Louisa LALLY, Louise BLACK, Lucy TENNISON, Mackenzie CAPALDI, Malcolm JONES, Malcolm ROBERTS, Mari SALO-OJA, Marta POLOCZEK, Martin MILTON, Martin PEARCE, Mbongeni SHEZI, Michael HEMINGWAY, Michele MOWLDS, Michelle BOTES, Michëllë MARTIN, Miguel LARANJEIRA, Mike BATTEN, Moira MCNAMARA, N CANAVAN, Nalini BANSAL, Nathan RAE, Nicholas TANNER, Nick BURNSIDE, Nicklas FORSLING, Nicky MCKEAG, Nico CROUKAMP, Nicola FOWLIE, Nicole LI, Nigel ENGLAND, Pat O'CONNOR, Patrick MOSTYN, Paul DE LUNA, Paul WILLIAMS, Paula SIMPSON, Peter DREW, Peter KINGSLEY, Peter WILLIAMS, Peter WILSON, Petronella RICHARDS, Phil COY, Rachel MCMAHON, Raoul TEMME, Ria GRADWELL, Richard MAYES, Richard VAN DER LEEDEN, Robert NEWTON, Robert SKEDGELL, Robin DOLAN, Rodger THOMPSTONE, Roland BARNARD, Ryan CHAPMAN, Samantha MILLAR, Samuel OGUNDELE, Sandra BRUYNS, Sarah JONES, Saretha OLIVIER, Seren JONES, Shaun MONTGOMERY, Shauna MC MAHON, Silondile MNCWABE, Simon WATSON, Sonet VAN DYK, Steve HENNINGS, Steve ORRELLS, Steve PULLAN, Stuart Mark WILSON, Sue MCALPINE, Susie BROWN, Tania LYDDIARD, Terence Gareth FORREST, Tom MORRIS, Tony BENNETT, Tony COTA, Tony NICHOLSON, Val SMITH, Vasi PILLAY, Vincent BLACKBEARD, Vincenzo FERRO, Wendy STAMP, Xenia SIDDLE, Yolande BREPOLS, Yvonne JONES, Zbigniew WILKOWSKI, Влада ТКАЧЕНКО, Максим ШИШОВ.


