(not)parkrun stats, 29 June 2020 - 05 July 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Bushy Park 393 (not)parkruns
Chelmsford Central 346 (not)parkruns
Hull 180 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 145 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 143 (not)parkruns
Basingstoke 132 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 129 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 128 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 127 (not)parkruns
Woodhouse Moor 125 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Haigh Woodland with 23 parkrunners recording 54 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Bognor Regis with 22 parkrunners recording 22 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to Elliott's secret statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 23605 parkrunners recorded 33560 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:47
In the UK 15579 parkrunners recorded 21462 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:36
In South Africa 3596 parkrunners recorded 5807 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:45
In Australia 2260 parkrunners recorded 3134 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:34
In Ireland 850 parkrunners recorded 1134 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:08
In Russia 215 parkrunners recorded 370 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:52
In the US 218 parkrunners recorded 322 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:58
In Germany 202 parkrunners recorded 322 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:57
In Poland 176 parkrunners recorded 274 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:05
In Canada 178 parkrunners recorded 245 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:10
In Sweden 67 parkrunners recorded 97 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:58
In Italy 56 parkrunners recorded 77 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:58
In Japan 32 parkrunners recorded 61 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:51
In the Netherlands 34 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:39
In Denmark 34 parkrunners recorded 43 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:21
In New Zealand 21 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:08
In Malaysia 18 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 38:04
In Norway 24 parkrunners recorded 31 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:21
In Singapore 20 parkrunners recorded 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:36
In France 18 parkrunners recorded 22 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:06
In Finland 7 parkrunners recorded 13 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 45:03