(not)parkrun stats, 07 September 2020 - 13 September 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Witney 610 (not)parkruns
Chelmsford Central 435 (not)parkruns
Riverside 277 (not)parkruns
Herrington Country 237 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 233 (not)parkruns
Hull 222 (not)parkruns
Luton Wardown 221 (not)parkruns
Nonsuch 180 (not)parkruns
Brundall 163 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 123 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Herrington Country with 86 parkrunners recording 237 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Humber Bridge with 15 parkrunners recording 15 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18548 parkrunners recorded 28580 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:23
In the UK 10977 parkrunners recorded 16304 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:07
In South Africa 2706 parkrunners recorded 4596 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:07
In Australia 2642 parkrunners recorded 4078 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:29
In Ireland 795 parkrunners recorded 1267 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:00
In New Zealand 254 parkrunners recorded 399 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 38:03
In Poland 233 parkrunners recorded 377 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:49
In Germany 173 parkrunners recorded 376 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:07
In the US 227 parkrunners recorded 373 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:14
In Canada 156 parkrunners recorded 212 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:41
In Russia 91 parkrunners recorded 148 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:46
In Sweden 51 parkrunners recorded 83 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:37
In Japan 45 parkrunners recorded 66 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:29
In the Netherlands 35 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:37
In Italy 37 parkrunners recorded 56 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:26
In Denmark 34 parkrunners recorded 46 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 27:54
In Singapore 33 parkrunners recorded 45 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:37
In Norway 25 parkrunners recorded 41 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:04
In Malaysia 11 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:45
In France 14 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:12
In Finland 9 parkrunners recorded 18 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 39:58

Additional Stats on Witney's record-breaking week:

107 parkrunners each completed 1 (not)parkrun, for a total of 107 (not)parkruns

63 parkrunners each completed 2 (not)parkruns, for a total of 126 (not)parkruns

49 parkrunners each completed 3 (not)parkruns, for a total of 147 (not)parkruns

21 parkrunners each completed 4 (not)parkruns, for a total of 84 (not)parkruns

7 parkrunners each completed 5 (not)parkruns, for a total of 35 (not)parkruns

8 parkrunners each completed 6 (not)parkruns, for a total of 48 (not)parkruns

9 parkrunners each completed 7 (not)parkruns, for a total of 63 (not)parkruns

Overall, 264 parkrunners completed a total of 610 (not)parkruns

(not)parkrun stats, 31 August 2020 - 06 September 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 454 (not)parkruns
Witney 450 (not)parkruns
Riverside 296 (not)parkruns
Hull 228 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 213 (not)parkruns
Luton Wardown 191 (not)parkruns
Brundall 172 (not)parkruns
Herrington Country 146 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 130 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 116 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Herrington Country with 67 parkrunners recording 146 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Waterworks with 26 parkrunners recording 26 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18309 parkrunners recorded 27816 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:08
In the UK 11014 parkrunners recorded 16201 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:59
In South Africa 2491 parkrunners recorded 4173 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:21
In Australia 2612 parkrunners recorded 3945 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:01
In Ireland 800 parkrunners recorded 1192 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:06
In Germany 182 parkrunners recorded 410 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:54
In Poland 239 parkrunners recorded 378 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:53
In the US 210 parkrunners recorded 335 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:03
In New Zealand 206 parkrunners recorded 309 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 37:11
In Canada 160 parkrunners recorded 244 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:09
In Russia 99 parkrunners recorded 169 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:28
In Sweden 58 parkrunners recorded 96 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:28
In Japan 46 parkrunners recorded 74 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:04
In the Netherlands 37 parkrunners recorded 65 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:28
In Italy 38 parkrunners recorded 58 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 27:24
In Denmark 36 parkrunners recorded 48 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:26
In Norway 24 parkrunners recorded 38 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:36
In Singapore 19 parkrunners recorded 26 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:05
In Malaysia 15 parkrunners recorded 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 38:58
In France 15 parkrunners recorded 18 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:40
In Finland 8 parkrunners recorded 14 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 47:23

(not)parkrun stats, 24 August 2020 - 30 August 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Witney 451 (not)parkruns
Chelmsford Central 415 (not)parkruns
Riverside 282 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 242 (not)parkruns
Hull 221 (not)parkruns
Brundall 189 (not)parkruns
Luton Wardown 152 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 127 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 120 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 106 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Brundall with 83 parkrunners recording 189 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Sewerby with 17 parkrunners recording 17 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18221 parkrunners recorded 27471 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:08
In the UK 10758 parkrunners recorded 15599 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:52
In South Africa 2831 parkrunners recorded 4799 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:58
In Australia 2577 parkrunners recorded 3862 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:54
In Ireland 736 parkrunners recorded 1085 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:21
In Germany 176 parkrunners recorded 354 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:07
In the US 209 parkrunners recorded 341 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:13
In Poland 202 parkrunners recorded 324 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:47
In New Zealand 189 parkrunners recorded 280 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:16
In Canada 157 parkrunners recorded 218 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:01
In Russia 116 parkrunners recorded 180 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:25
In Sweden 48 parkrunners recorded 82 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:28
In Japan 40 parkrunners recorded 66 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:29
In Denmark 39 parkrunners recorded 59 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:07
In the Netherlands 34 parkrunners recorded 56 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:11
In Italy 22 parkrunners recorded 38 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:06
In Norway 22 parkrunners recorded 34 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:01
In Singapore 21 parkrunners recorded 31 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:13
In Malaysia 15 parkrunners recorded 25 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 42:27
In France 17 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:38
In Finland 12 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 39:16

(not)parkrun stats, 17 August 2020 - 23 August 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 279 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 237 (not)parkruns
Hull 219 (not)parkruns
Riverside 207 (not)parkruns
Witney 203 (not)parkruns
Luton Wardown 169 (not)parkruns
Brundall 153 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 124 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 117 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 112 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Brundall with 68 parkrunners recording 153 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Cleethorpes with 16 parkrunners recording 16 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18182 parkrunners recorded 26858 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:11
In the UK 11124 parkrunners recorded 15847 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:51
In South Africa 2956 parkrunners recorded 4877 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:32
In Australia 2183 parkrunners recorded 3254 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:50
In Ireland 605 parkrunners recorded 841 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:07
In Poland 228 parkrunners recorded 339 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:46
In the US 196 parkrunners recorded 317 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:52
In Germany 152 parkrunners recorded 288 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:52
In New Zealand 197 parkrunners recorded 283 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:48
In Canada 156 parkrunners recorded 232 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:45
In Russia 117 parkrunners recorded 186 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:59
In Sweden 59 parkrunners recorded 82 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:13
In Japan 36 parkrunners recorded 69 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:04
In Denmark 40 parkrunners recorded 47 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:48
In the Netherlands 30 parkrunners recorded 45 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:55
In Italy 24 parkrunners recorded 39 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:27
In Norway 24 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:53
In Malaysia 19 parkrunners recorded 30 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:00
In Singapore 16 parkrunners recorded 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:53
In France 11 parkrunners recorded 14 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:23
In Finland 9 parkrunners recorded 12 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:09

(not)parkrun stats, 03 August 2020 - 09 August 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 273 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 234 (not)parkruns
Hull 188 (not)parkruns
Riverside 145 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 142 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 128 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 110 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 106 (not)parkruns
Cassiobury 101 (not)parkruns
Luton Wardown 91 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Ashton Court with 67 parkrunners recording 142 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Dewsbury with 21 parkrunners recording 21 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 17712 parkrunners recorded 25890 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:16
In the UK 10908 parkrunners recorded 15477 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:58
In South Africa 3100 parkrunners recorded 5001 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:38
In Australia 1953 parkrunners recorded 2771 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:23
In Ireland 590 parkrunners recorded 800 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:29
In Poland 222 parkrunners recorded 352 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:57
In the US 205 parkrunners recorded 314 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:11
In Germany 171 parkrunners recorded 309 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:01
In Canada 163 parkrunners recorded 231 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:56
In Russia 128 parkrunners recorded 206 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:46
In Sweden 55 parkrunners recorded 83 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:40
In Italy 42 parkrunners recorded 67 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:15
In Japan 35 parkrunners recorded 63 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:55
In the Netherlands 32 parkrunners recorded 53 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:09
In Norway 28 parkrunners recorded 39 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:50
In Denmark 32 parkrunners recorded 38 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:35
In New Zealand 9 parkrunners recorded 24 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:46
In Malaysia 12 parkrunners recorded 21 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:06
In Finland 10 parkrunners recorded 18 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 39:02
In France 9 parkrunners recorded 13 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:19
In Singapore 8 parkrunners recorded 10 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:32

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 08 August 2020

Worldwide there were 30 parkruns plus 0 junior parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 2,732 parkrunners and 332 volunteers, plus any pending results,

924 people got their parkrun barcode this week
125 people became parkrunners this week
18 parkrunners joined the 50 club
7 parkrunners joined the 100 club
1 parkrunners joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
5 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Hagley, New Zealand (277), Cornwall Park, New Zealand (174), Millwater, New Zealand (168), Western Springs, New Zealand (149), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (136), Dunedin, New Zealand (129), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (122), Barry Curtis, New Zealand (114), Palmerston North, New Zealand (113), Whangarei, New Zealand (106),

924 people got their parkrun barcode this week
125 people became parkrunners this week
96 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
67 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
616 of 3077299 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
328 of 466943 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
234 of 193140 (0.1%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
157 of 104606 (0.2%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
146 of 63552 (0.2%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

18 parkrunners joined the 50 club
565 of 155259 (0.4%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

7 parkrunners joined the 100 club

228 of 57408 (0.4%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

7 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
126 of 23555 (0.5%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

5 parkrunners ran their 200th parkrun this week
75 of 11098 (0.7%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner joined the 250 club

39 of 5492 (0.7%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners ran their 300th parkrun this week
26 of 2430 (1.1%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner ran their 350th parkrun this week
8 of 977 (0.8%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
3 of 426 (0.7%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

New members of the 500 Club: -  none this week,
New members of the Cowell Club (100 different events): - none this week
New members of the Freyne Club (250 different events): -  none this week,
New members of the Re-Freyne Club (500 different events): -  none this week,
Well done to the 5 hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Barry SMITH, Blair MARTIN, Cheryl KESSACK, Dave MANN, Marcia FERGUSON.

(not)parkrun stats, 27 July 2020 - 02 August 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 258 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 246 (not)parkruns
Hull 184 (not)parkruns
Riverside 154 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 132 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 126 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 122 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 111 (not)parkruns
Nonsuch 87 (not)parkruns
Edinburgh 86 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Crichton with 10 parkrunners recording 27 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Rothwell with 18 parkrunners recording 18 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18625 parkrunners recorded 27324 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:17
In the UK 11468 parkrunners recorded 16163 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:44
In South Africa 3329 parkrunners recorded 5479 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:49
In Australia 2039 parkrunners recorded 2982 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:51
In Ireland 644 parkrunners recorded 887 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:15
In Poland 225 parkrunners recorded 385 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:01
In the US 199 parkrunners recorded 308 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:56
In Germany 171 parkrunners recorded 294 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:36
In Canada 143 parkrunners recorded 203 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:40
In Russia 117 parkrunners recorded 183 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:55
In Sweden 63 parkrunners recorded 92 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:14
In Japan 41 parkrunners recorded 65 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:29
In Italy 41 parkrunners recorded 61 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:16
In the Netherlands 33 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:51
In Denmark 29 parkrunners recorded 38 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 27:29
In Norway 22 parkrunners recorded 36 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:42
In Malaysia 17 parkrunners recorded 24 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:52
In Singapore 17 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:28
In New Zealand 6 parkrunners recorded 18 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:21
In France 13 parkrunners recorded 16 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:28
In Finland 8 parkrunners recorded 14 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 38:32

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 01 August 2020

Worldwide there were 30 parkruns plus 0 junior parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 3,472 parkrunners and 319 volunteers, plus any pending results,

882 people got their parkrun barcode this week
165 people became parkrunners this week
25 parkrunners joined the 50 club
6 parkrunners joined the 100 club
0 parkrunners joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
4 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Hagley, New Zealand (296), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (244), Cornwall Park, New Zealand (234), Millwater, New Zealand (198), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (197), Dunedin, New Zealand (181), Porirua, New Zealand (171), Hobsonville Point, New Zealand (158), Barry Curtis, New Zealand (153), Western Springs, New Zealand (142),

882 people got their parkrun barcode this week
165 people became parkrunners this week
120 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
112 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
821 of 3077214 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
474 of 466929 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
305 of 193130 (0.2%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
226 of 104607 (0.2%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
204 of 63553 (0.3%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

25 parkrunners joined the 50 club
631 of 155248 (0.4%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

6 parkrunners joined the 100 club

Malcolm ELLEY

Michel WEBB





274 of 57408 (0.5%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

6 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
146 of 23553 (0.6%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

4 parkrunners ran their 200th parkrun this week
78 of 11094 (0.7%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 250 club
48 of 5493 (0.9%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 300th parkrun this week
25 of 2429 (1.0%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 350th parkrun this week
7 of 976 (0.7%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
0 of 426 (0.0%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

New members of the 500 Club: -  none this week,
New members of the Cowell Club (100 different events): - none this week
New members of the Freyne Club (250 different events): -  none this week,
New members of the Re-Freyne Club (500 different events): -  none this week,
Well done to the 4 hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Bruce MANNINEN, James OSULLIVAN, Juanita TAYLOR, Oonagh TURNER.

(not)parkrun stats, 20 July 2020 - 26 July 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 320 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 246 (not)parkruns
Drumpellier Country 214 (not)parkruns
Hull 205 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 145 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 144 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 128 (not)parkruns
Riverside 124 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 109 (not)parkruns
Cassiobury 95 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Drumpellier Country with 93 parkrunners recording 214 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Colney Lane with 18 parkrunners recording 18 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18904 parkrunners recorded 27724 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:18
In the UK 11672 parkrunners recorded 16538 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:47
In South Africa 3403 parkrunners recorded 5526 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:58
In Australia 1981 parkrunners recorded 2839 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:32
In Ireland 667 parkrunners recorded 946 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:26
In Germany 181 parkrunners recorded 323 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:41
In the US 196 parkrunners recorded 313 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:07
In Poland 197 parkrunners recorded 306 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:28
In Canada 173 parkrunners recorded 248 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:47
In Russia 144 parkrunners recorded 236 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:45
In Sweden 62 parkrunners recorded 92 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:21
In Italy 46 parkrunners recorded 66 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:42
In Japan 38 parkrunners recorded 64 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:36
In the Netherlands 35 parkrunners recorded 62 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:07
In Denmark 28 parkrunners recorded 41 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:45
In Norway 24 parkrunners recorded 35 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:59
In Malaysia 21 parkrunners recorded 30 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 37:44
In New Zealand 7 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:33
In France 12 parkrunners recorded 16 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:24
In Finland 7 parkrunners recorded 13 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:33
In Singapore 10 parkrunners recorded 11 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:10

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 25 July 2020

Worldwide there were 29 parkruns plus 0 junior parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 3,347 parkrunners and 324 volunteers, plus any pending results,

1016 people got their parkrun barcode this week
164 people became parkrunners this week
11 parkrunners joined the 50 club
2 parkrunners joined the 100 club
1 parkrunners joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Hagley, New Zealand (278), Cornwall Park, New Zealand (256), Millwater, New Zealand (255), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (223), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (200), Dunedin, New Zealand (189), Barry Curtis, New Zealand (169), Palmerston North, New Zealand (155), Western Springs, New Zealand (153), Porirua, New Zealand (134),

1016 people got their parkrun barcode this week
164 people became parkrunners this week
113 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
106 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
748 of 3077120 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
443 of 466885 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
271 of 193122 (0.1%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
232 of 104607 (0.2%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
188 of 63559 (0.3%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

11 parkrunners joined the 50 club
579 of 155229 (0.4%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners joined the 100 club

Tom Bennion

Ilona Faasen

257 of 57408 (0.4%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

6 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
144 of 23551 (0.6%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner ran their 200th parkrun this week
69 of 11090 (0.6%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner joined the 250 club

Jeff Parkinson
45 of 5493 (0.8%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners ran their 300th parkrun this week
24 of 2429 (1.0%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 350th parkrun this week
7 of 976 (0.7%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
0 of 426 (0.0%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

New members of the 500 Club: -  none this week,
New members of the Cowell Club (100 different events): - Benjamin WILLIAMSON,
New members of the Freyne Club (250 different events): -  none this week,
New members of the Re-Freyne Club (500 different events): -  none this week,
Well done to the 1 hi-viz hero who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Hazel OLLERENSHAW.

(not)parkrun stats, 13 July 2020 - 19 July 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 369 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 323 (not)parkruns
Hull 195 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 149 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 147 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 141 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 132 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 109 (not)parkruns
Nonsuch 107 (not)parkruns
Cassiobury 106 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Polkemmet Country with 12 parkrunners recording 32 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Jersey with 19 parkrunners recording 19 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to a statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 20586 parkrunners recorded 29677 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:59
In the UK 13312 parkrunners recorded 18582 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:37
In South Africa 3309 parkrunners recorded 5289 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:53
In Australia 2059 parkrunners recorded 2958 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:03
In Ireland 717 parkrunners recorded 989 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:05
In Germany 196 parkrunners recorded 341 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:31
In the US 208 parkrunners recorded 308 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:10
In Poland 196 parkrunners recorded 294 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:29
In Russia 143 parkrunners recorded 234 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:52
In Canada 158 parkrunners recorded 217 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:54
In Sweden 60 parkrunners recorded 98 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:39
In Italy 41 parkrunners recorded 71 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:53
In the Netherlands 33 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:07
In Japan 32 parkrunners recorded 54 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:05
In Denmark 34 parkrunners recorded 39 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:53
In Norway 22 parkrunners recorded 36 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:26
In Malaysia 24 parkrunners recorded 35 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 36:03
In New Zealand 10 parkrunners recorded 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 37:27
In Singapore 18 parkrunners recorded 22 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 26:34
In France 11 parkrunners recorded 17 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 49:07
In Finland 3 parkrunners recorded 13 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:58

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 18 July 2020

Worldwide there were 28 parkruns plus 0 junior parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 3,062 parkrunners and 307 volunteers,

948 people got their parkrun barcode this week
143 people became parkrunners this week
10 parkrunners joined the 50 club
5 parkrunners joined the 100 club
2 parkrunners joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
5 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Cornwall Park, New Zealand (265), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (244), Hagley, New Zealand (238), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (218), Porirua, New Zealand (184), Western Springs, New Zealand (179), Barry Curtis, New Zealand (156), Millwater, New Zealand (154), Dunedin, New Zealand (135), Palmerston North, New Zealand (130),

948 people got their parkrun barcode this week
143 people became parkrunners this week
128 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
109 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
746 of 3077009 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
400 of 466864 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
275 of 193119 (0.1%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
211 of 104591 (0.2%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
185 of 63557 (0.3%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

10 parkrunners joined the 50 club
581 of 155220 (0.4%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

5 parkrunners joined the 100 club

Bruce Mulcock

Bruce Inglis

Catherine Faletanoai

Amy Crawshaw

Mark Smith
267 of 57412 (0.5%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

3 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
124 of 23546 (0.5%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners ran their 200th parkrun this week
77 of 11090 (0.7%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners joined the 250 club

Neil Haxton

Christine Osullivan Robertson

53 of 5494 (1.0%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner ran their 300th parkrun this week
23 of 2427 (0.9%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 350th parkrun this week
6 of 976 (0.6%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
1 of 426 (0.2%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

New members of the 500 Club: -  none this week,
New members of the Cowell Club (100 different events): - none this week
New members of the Freyne Club (250 different events): -  none this week,
New members of the Re-Freyne Club (500 different events): -  none this week,
Well done to the 5 hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Chris VAN DER LEER, Helen HALL-KING, Katherine CAMBRIDGE, Linda KENNEDY, Melanie JONES.

(not)parkrun stats, 06 July 2020 - 12 July 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 409 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 344 (not)parkruns
Hull 179 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 167 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 148 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 146 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 133 (not)parkruns
Woodhouse Moor 114 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 114 (not)parkruns
Edinburgh 111 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Hanworth with 13 parkrunners recording 33 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Lancaster with 24 parkrunners recording 24 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to Elliott's secret statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 21542 parkrunners recorded 30823 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:34
In the UK 14266 parkrunners recorded 19827 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:26
In South Africa 3152 parkrunners recorded 4985 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:32
In Australia 2124 parkrunners recorded 2999 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:43
In Ireland 752 parkrunners recorded 1044 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:23
In Poland 213 parkrunners recorded 355 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:50
In Germany 196 parkrunners recorded 325 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:32
In the US 191 parkrunners recorded 304 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:22
In Russia 183 parkrunners recorded 295 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:30
In Canada 157 parkrunners recorded 223 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:53
In Sweden 65 parkrunners recorded 93 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:11
In Italy 50 parkrunners recorded 75 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:34
In Japan 34 parkrunners recorded 62 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:44
In the Netherlands 30 parkrunners recorded 44 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:45
In Denmark 28 parkrunners recorded 44 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:56
In Norway 27 parkrunners recorded 35 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:49
In Singapore 26 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:56
In Malaysia 21 parkrunners recorded 30 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 39:16
In New Zealand 7 parkrunners recorded 19 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:22
In France 12 parkrunners recorded 16 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:22
In Finland 8 parkrunners recorded 15 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:19

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 11 July 2020

Worldwide there were 29 parkruns plus 0 junior parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 3,421 parkrunners and 320 volunteers,

1237 people got their parkrun barcode this week
212 people became parkrunners this week
17 parkrunners joined the 50 club
6 parkrunners joined the 100 club
0 parkrunners joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
2 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Hagley, New Zealand (255), Cornwall Park, New Zealand (245), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (236), Western Springs, New Zealand (227), Millwater, New Zealand (207), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (171), Dunedin, New Zealand (152), Puarenga, New Zealand (145), Barry Curtis, New Zealand (143), Palmerston North, New Zealand (138), Porirua, New Zealand (136),

1237 people got their parkrun barcode this week
212 people became parkrunners this week
151 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
84 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
839 of 3076919 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
424 of 466839 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
281 of 193114 (0.1%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
203 of 104587 (0.2%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
195 of 63548 (0.3%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

17 parkrunners joined the 50 club
567 of 155215 (0.4%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

6 parkrunners joined the 100 club

Miriam ELLIS

Christine HALL





249 of 57410 (0.4%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

5 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
124 of 23545 (0.5%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

3 parkrunners ran their 200th parkrun this week
74 of 11090 (0.7%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 250 club
47 of 5493 (0.9%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

2 parkrunners ran their 300th parkrun this week
21 of 2426 (0.9%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunners ran their 350th parkrun this week
8 of 976 (0.8%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
1 of 426 (0.2%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

New members of the 500 Club: -  none this week,
New members of the Cowell Club (100 different events): - none this week
New members of the Freyne Club (250 different events): -  none this week,
New members of the Re-Freyne Club (500 different events): -  none this week,
Well done to the 2 hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Kent DEVERSON, Mel LEMM.

(not)parkrun stats, 29 June 2020 - 05 July 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Bushy Park 393 (not)parkruns
Chelmsford Central 346 (not)parkruns
Hull 180 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 145 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 143 (not)parkruns
Basingstoke 132 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 129 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 128 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 127 (not)parkruns
Woodhouse Moor 125 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Haigh Woodland with 23 parkrunners recording 54 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Bognor Regis with 22 parkrunners recording 22 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to Elliott's secret statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 23605 parkrunners recorded 33560 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:47
In the UK 15579 parkrunners recorded 21462 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:36
In South Africa 3596 parkrunners recorded 5807 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:45
In Australia 2260 parkrunners recorded 3134 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:34
In Ireland 850 parkrunners recorded 1134 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:08
In Russia 215 parkrunners recorded 370 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:52
In the US 218 parkrunners recorded 322 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:58
In Germany 202 parkrunners recorded 322 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:57
In Poland 176 parkrunners recorded 274 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:05
In Canada 178 parkrunners recorded 245 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:10
In Sweden 67 parkrunners recorded 97 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:58
In Italy 56 parkrunners recorded 77 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:58
In Japan 32 parkrunners recorded 61 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:51
In the Netherlands 34 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:39
In Denmark 34 parkrunners recorded 43 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:21
In New Zealand 21 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:08
In Malaysia 18 parkrunners recorded 33 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 38:04
In Norway 24 parkrunners recorded 31 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:21
In Singapore 20 parkrunners recorded 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:36
In France 18 parkrunners recorded 22 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:06
In Finland 7 parkrunners recorded 13 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 45:03

parkrun Attendance and Milestone Stats for 04 July 2020

It was an emotional return to parkrun after 15 Saturdays without it. One of the 29 events that took place, Pegasus parkrun, was streamed live on the ‘With Me Now’ YouTube channel (and available to watch back: https://youtu.be/w_c1EXttyZY)

Worldwide there were 29 parkruns, and the worldwide parkrun population was 3,683 parkrunners and 315 volunteers,

11349 people got their parkrun barcode since March 14th 2020
283 people became parkrunners this week
19 parkrunners joined the 50 club
6 parkrunners joined the 100 club
1 parkrunner joined the 250 club
0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
3 parkrunners joined the v25 club
Biggest parkruns worldwide: Cornwall Park, New Zealand (297), Hagley, New Zealand (296), Millwater, New Zealand (256), Lower Hutt, New Zealand (227), Hamilton Lake, New Zealand (199), Western Springs, New Zealand (187), Palmerston North, New Zealand (169), Dunedin, New Zealand (165), Porirua, New Zealand (165), Invercargill, New Zealand (159),

11349 people got their parkrun barcode since March 14th 2020
283 people became parkrunners this week
126 parkrunners did their 'difficult second parkrun' this week
114 parkrunners completed their parkrun hat trick this week
1083 of 3076768 (0.0%) of runners on 1-9 parkruns, ran this week
603 of 466806 (0.1%) of runners on 10-19 parkruns, ran this week
395 of 193104 (0.2%) of runners on 20-29 parkruns, ran this week
312 of 104590 (0.3%) of runners on 30-39 parkruns, ran this week
233 of 63544 (0.4%) of runners on 40-49 parkruns, ran this week

19 parkrunners joined the 50 club
712 of 155204 (0.5%) of runners on 50-99 parkruns, ran this week

6 parkrunners joined the 100 club
Earl IRVING, Estelle MINNIE, Nicola Corinne HANDLEY, Perry NEWBURN, Dani MOYNES, Jarrod POPPLESTONE,

306 of 57409 (0.5%) of runners on 100-149 parkruns, ran this week

7 parkrunners ran their 150th parkrun this week
139 of 23543 (0.6%) of runners on 150-199 parkruns, ran this week

4 parkrunners ran their 200th parkrun this week
41 of 11087 (0.4%) of runners on 200-249 parkruns, ran this week

1 parkrunner joined the 250 club
Michael MEAKIN

40 of 5495 (0.7%) of runners on 250-299 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 300th parkrun this week
26 of 2425 (1.1%) of runners on 300-349 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 350th parkrun this week
5 of 975 (0.5%) of runners on 350-399 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 400th parkrun this week
1 of 426 (0.2%) of runners on 400-449 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 450th parkrun this week
0 of 182 (0.0%) of runners on 450-499 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners joined the 500 club
1 of 101 (1.0%) of runners on 500-599 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 600th parkrun this week
0 of 14 (0.0%) of runners on 600-699 parkruns, ran this week

0 parkrunners ran their 700th parkrun this week
0 of 1 (0.0%) of runners on 700-799 parkruns, ran this week

Well done to the 3 hi-viz heroes who joined the Volunteer 25 club this week: Andy LANGLEY, Caroline LISTER, Dani MOYNES.

(not)parkrun stats, 22 June 2020 - 28 June 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 254 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 240 (not)parkruns
Hull 162 (not)parkruns
Beverley Westwood 135 (not)parkruns
York 121 (not)parkruns
Huntingdon 121 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 118 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 117 (not)parkruns
Edinburgh 109 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 107 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Hanworth with 20 parkrunners recording 48 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Ellon with 33 parkrunners recording 33 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to Elliott's secret statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 23233 parkrunners recorded 32336 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:01
In the UK 15097 parkrunners recorded 20219 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:43
In South Africa 3395 parkrunners recorded 5354 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 42:46
In Australia 2460 parkrunners recorded 3384 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:26
In Ireland 860 parkrunners recorded 1179 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:08
In Russia 236 parkrunners recorded 400 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:50
In Poland 220 parkrunners recorded 351 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:40
In the US 218 parkrunners recorded 344 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 34:50
In Germany 197 parkrunners recorded 334 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:16
In Canada 203 parkrunners recorded 271 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:37
In New Zealand 63 parkrunners recorded 94 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:38
In Italy 64 parkrunners recorded 79 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:58
In Sweden 46 parkrunners recorded 68 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:09
In the Netherlands 39 parkrunners recorded 57 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:50
In Japan 28 parkrunners recorded 53 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:54
In Malaysia 25 parkrunners recorded 35 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 40:57
In Singapore 22 parkrunners recorded 31 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:13
In Denmark 19 parkrunners recorded 30 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:02
In Norway 23 parkrunners recorded 26 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:10
In France 12 parkrunners recorded 15 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:03
In Finland 6 parkrunners recorded 12 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 41:08

parkrun Registration and Anniversary Stats for 27 June 2020

There were 964 new registrations in the past seven days,
The events with the highest number of registrations in the past seven days were: Schoterbos (Netherlands) 9, Millwater (New Zealand) 8, Chelmsford Central (UK) 8, Whanganui Riverbank (New Zealand) 8, Shanganagh (Ireland) 7, Tauranga (New Zealand) 7, Hagley (New Zealand) 7, Wimbledon Common (UK) 6, Anderson (New Zealand) 6, Heaton Park (UK) 6, Hobsonville Point (New Zealand) 6, Hockley Woods (UK) 6, Horsham (UK) 6, Kuzminki (Russia) 6, Woodhouse Moor (UK) 6, Northampton (UK) 5, Princes (UK) 5, Croxteth Hall (UK) 5, Cornwall Park (New Zealand) 5, Cannon Hill (UK) 5, Ballincollig (Ireland) 5, Huntingdon (UK) 5, Lebone (South Africa) 5, Wanaka (New Zealand) 5, Southport (UK) 5,

parkrun Anniversaries this weekend:
Colwick parkrun (UK) 9 years, parkrun Łódź (Poland) 8 years, Dewsbury parkrun (UK) 8 years, Gladstone parkrun (UK) 8 years, Tees Barrage parkrun (UK) 8 years, Ormeau parkrun (UK) 7 years, Bury St Edmunds parkrun (UK) 7 years, Clumber Park parkrun (UK) 7 years, Derry City parkrun (UK) 7 years, Durham NC parkrun (United States) 7 years, Gladstone QLD parkrun (Australia) 7 years, Logan River parkrun (Australia) 7 years, Kidds Beach parkrun (South Africa) 7 years, Workington parkrun (UK) 7 years, Cannibals Cave parkrun (South Africa) 6 years, Cheadle Hulme parkrun (UK) 6 years, Waterstown parkrun (Ireland) 6 years, Hastings Foreshore parkrun (Australia) 6 years, Great Notley parkrun (UK) 6 years, Penallta parkrun (UK) 5 years, Aliwal North parkrun (South Africa) 5 years, Jells parkrun (Australia) 5 years, Puarenga parkrun (New Zealand) 4 years, parkrun Dolgoprudny (Russia) 3 years, Billericay parkrun (UK) 3 years, Leakin Park parkrun (United States) 3 years, Lanseria parkrun (South Africa) 3 years, Mount Helena parkrun (Australia) 2 years, Newborough Forest parkrun (UK) 2 years, parkrun Chełm (Poland) 2 years, Port Augusta parkrun (Australia) 2 years, parkrun Yakutsk Dokhsun (Russia) 2 years, parkrun Voronezh Central Park (Russia) 2 years, Armley parkrun (UK) 2 years, Cotsford Fields parkrun (UK) 2 years, Whitehaven parkrun (UK) 2 years, Westville parkrun (South Africa) 2 years, Merriwa parkrun (Australia) 2 years, Littleport parkrun (UK) 2 years, River Oaks parkrun (Canada) 2 years, Millfield parkrun (UK) 1 year, Narin Beach parkrun (Ireland) 1 year, parkrun Park Miejski, Wejherowo (Poland) 1 year, Riemer parkrun (Germany) 1 year, Queen Elizabeth parkrun, Casino (Australia) 1 year, parkrun Zamek w Malborku (Poland) 1 year, An Bonnán Buí parkrun (Ireland) 1 year, Charleys Creek parkrun (Australia) 1 year, Churchill Parkway parkrun (Canada) 1 year, Eramosa River Trail parkrun (Canada) 1 year, Sunnidale parkrun (Canada) 1 year, Hollesley Bay parkrun (UK) 1 year, St Mary’s parkrun (UK) 1 year, Goodwill parkrun (South Africa) 1 year,
Acton junior parkrun (UK) 6 years, Aylesbury junior parkrun (UK) 5 years, Ballincollig Regional junior parkrun (UK) 3 years, Cranleigh junior parkrun (UK) 3 years, Griffeen junior parkrun (UK) 2 years, Leavesden junior parkrun (Ireland) 2 years, Little Stoke junior parkrun (Ireland) 1 year, Malahide Castle junior parkrun (Ireland) 1 year, Stratford-upon-Avon Rec junior parkrun (UK) 1 year.

(not)parkrun stats, 15 June 2020 - 21 June 2020

Biggest UK (not)parkrun totals:
Chelmsford Central 199 (not)parkruns
Bushy Park 189 (not)parkruns
Hull 132 (not)parkruns
Ashton Court 114 (not)parkruns
Great Notley 113 (not)parkruns
York 108 (not)parkruns
Milton Keynes 105 (not)parkruns
Woodhouse Moor 101 (not)parkruns
Nonsuch 100 (not)parkruns
Edinburgh 99 (not)parkruns

Highest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Seven Fields with 5 parkrunners recording 14 (not)parkruns
Lowest adjusted* average (not)parkruns per parkrunner: Greenock with 22 parkrunners recording 22 (not)parkruns
(* = adjusted according to Elliott's secret statistical formula to take account of parkruns with very low numbers)

Worldwide 18953 parkrunners recorded a total of 25525 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:42

In the UK 13547 parkrunners recorded a total of 17635 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:45
In South Africa 2034 parkrunners recorded a total of 3218 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 43:52
In Australia 1830 parkrunners recorded a total of 2443 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:37
In Ireland 628 parkrunners recorded a total of 866 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:43
In Russia 181 parkrunners recorded a total of 321 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:17
In Germany 124 parkrunners recorded a total of 201 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:27
In the US 122 parkrunners recorded a total of 181 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 35:44
In Canada 109 parkrunners recorded a total of 141 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 33:01
In Poland 107 parkrunners recorded a total of 149 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:54
In Italy 43 parkrunners recorded a total of 49 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 29:26
In New Zealand 40 parkrunners recorded a total of 50 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 30:15
In Sweden 39 parkrunners recorded a total of 54 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:10
In the Netherlands 35 parkrunners recorded a total of 47 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:23
In Japan 24 parkrunners recorded a total of 38 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:34
In Norway 21 parkrunners recorded a total of 23 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 28:12
In Malaysia 19 parkrunners recorded a total of 34 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 45:18
In Denmark 18 parkrunners recorded a total of 27 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 26:43
In Singapore 18 parkrunners recorded a total of 26 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 31:38
In France 10 parkrunners recorded a total of 12 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 32:56
In Finland 4 parkrunners recorded a total of 10 (not)parkruns, with an average time of 45:45


parkrun Registration and Anniversary Stats for 20 June 2020

There were 971 new registrations in the past seven days,
The events with the highest number of registrations in the past seven days were: Kei Mouth (South Africa) 11, Cornwall Park (New Zealand) 7, Devils Peak (Australia) 7, Chelmsford Central (UK) 6, Hagley (New Zealand) 6, Swansea Bay (UK) 6, The Ponds (Australia) 6, Queenstown (New Zealand) 6, Burnham and Highbridge (UK) 6, Worsley Woods (UK) 6, Clapham Common (UK) 5, Albert Melbourne (Australia) 5, Hamilton Lake (New Zealand) 5, Hackney Marshes (UK) 5, York (UK) 5, Sale Water (UK) 5, Whanganui Riverbank (New Zealand) 5, Centennial (Australia) 5, Cambridge (UK) 5, Natashinsky (Russia) 5, Presint 18 (Malaysia) 5,

parkrun Anniversaries this weekend:
Banstead Woods parkrun (UK) 13 years, Heaton parkrun (UK) 11 years, Worcester parkrun (UK) 9 years, Whitley Bay parkrun (UK) 8 years, Ebotse parkrun (South Africa) 8 years, Havant parkrun (UK) 8 years, North Shore parkrun (Australia) 7 years, Griffeen parkrun (Ireland) 7 years, Oldbridge parkrun (Ireland) 6 years, Peckham Rye parkrun (UK) 6 years, Northala Fields parkrun (UK) 6 years, Carine Glades parkrun (Australia) 6 years, Colby parkrun (UK) 6 years, East Coast Park parkrun (Singapore) 6 years, parkrun Chelyabinsk (Russia) 5 years, parkrun Lubin (Poland) 5 years, Burnham and Highbridge parkrun (UK) 5 years, Brundall parkrun (UK) 5 years, Aldenham parkrun (UK) 5 years, Wangaratta parkrun (Australia) 5 years, Gedling parkrun (UK) 5 years, parkrun Kuzminki (Russia) 4 years, Pegasus parkrun (New Zealand) 4 years, Burley Griffin parkrun (Australia) 4 years, Ballincollig parkrun (Ireland) 4 years, Cwmbran parkrun (UK) 4 years, Catterick parkrun (UK) 3 years, Whistler parkrun (Canada) 3 years, Yeppoon parkrun (Australia) 3 years, Dolls Point parkrun (Australia) 3 years, Frédéric Back parkrun (Canada) 3 years, Mernda parkrun (Australia) 3 years, Vryheid parkrun (South Africa) 2 years, Victoria parkrun, Kitchener (Canada) 2 years, Port Sorell parkrun (Australia) 2 years, Pocket parkrun (UK) 2 years, parkrun Gatchina Prioratsky (Russia) 1 year, River Valley parkrun, Edmonton (Canada) 1 year, Chasewater parkrun (UK) 1 year, Cradock parkrun (South Africa) 1 year, Flaxmere parkrun (New Zealand) 1 year, Fukakitaryokuchi parkrun (Japan) 1 year, Holy Cross College parkrun (UK) 1 year, Lusitoland parkrun (South Africa) 1 year, Nautical parkrun (Canada) 1 year, Perrigo parkrun (United States) 1 year,

Stirling junior parkrun (UK) 6 years, Milton Keynes junior parkrun (UK) 5 years, Colchester junior parkrun (UK) 4 years, Daventry junior parkrun (UK) 4 years, Alyn Waters junior parkrun (UK) 2 years, Ockwells junior parkrun (UK) 2 years, Hoblingwell junior parkrun (UK) 1 year, Northala Fields junior parkrun (UK) 1 year.